Please go to Help on the top banner to the right on this screen.
In the Help menu - If you are having difficulty registering, refer to the section named Logging in to the Customer Web Portal, directly under the header named Customer Web Portal User Guide.
In the Help menu - If you have already registered for our Client Asset Management Portal and access by ECOMED Technical has been granted, you will find under the Customer Web Portal User Guide, some great information on how to navigate the system, view reports, export reports amongst a range of other great offerings. Knowing your assets, and ability to analyze these assets, is key in any business. The team at ECOMED Technical hope you take advantage of the information you will have - literally at your fingertips.
Alternatively, if you would like assistance or have been waiting for us to grant you access - please send me a personal email - Within the subject line of your email please write ECOMED Technical - CLIENT PORTAL, and please let me know what you require assistance with.
The team at ECOMED Technical look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Jonathan Gillies
PLEASE NOTE: Full functionality within the User Guide is not available to all users.